Food and Taste related words in English & Hindi With Pictures

Here in this article/video, you will learn Food and Taste related words in English & Hindi With Pictures. I have written many posts on foods Vocabulary and in this, I will teach you English words related to food and taste. I have used images, or photos with each Word so that you can understand and enjoy this post.

I have used some special sound effects and animated cartoons in the video because animation attracts our eyes and we enjoy learning. So guys without wasting your time, let’s get started.

Food and Taste related words in English & Hindi – स्वाद से जुड़े शब्द

Hindi Hinglish English Pictures
चटपटा Chatpata Piquant
फीका Feeka Insipid
खट्टा Khatta Sour
कड़वा Kadhwa Bitter
कुरकुरा Kurkura Crispy/Crunchy
तीखा Teekha Spicy
नमकीन Namkeen Salty
मुलायम Mulayam Tender
सख्त/कठोर Sakht/Kathor Tough


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नरम Naram Mild
कच्चा Kachcha Unripe
पका हुआ Paka hua Ripe
ताज़ा Taza Fresh
बासी Basi Stale
सड़ा हुआ Sada hua Rotten
सीला हुआ Seela hua Soggy
मलाईदार Malaidar Creamy
मीठा Meetha Sweet
तैलीय Tailiye Oily/Greasy


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